Wednesday, August 29, 2018


Evolution of HTML..............................................................

The first markup language was the general markup language was the general markup language (GML). To overcome the problems of the GML regarding hardware platforms and operating system, standard Generalize Markup language was developed in 1960s. So the SGML is an international standard used for formal definition of system and platform independent text.HTML is an application of SGML.
The full form of HTML is HYPER Text Mark-up Language. It is an principal language used to design document in the world wide web which allows the creation of the hyperlinks between related documents or any resources. It is an application of standard generalized markup language (SGML). The HTML tags, used to create a web page are interpreted by the browser as the page is loaded. The tags tell the browser what kind of heading to use, where to put images and so on. The browsers sends request for HTML files to remote servers on the internet by using address to the server called the URL. Then the server returns the data to the browser if the server gets information about the browser's request in server. Then it interprets the HTML tags and display a data as web page. If the request is not available in the server, then the request bounces from one server to the next server until until the URL of the HTML file is found.

Web Page................

A web page also known as HTML PAGE IS A PAGE with hypertext links that cross-reference textin the Internet, so web pages are the standard interface of the internet.


The languages uses different tags.
Tags are the logical codes (markup) enclosed between less than sign (<) and greater than sign (>), which are read by web browsers to format the HTML files, i.e. tags make web browser to format the web pages. For example <HTML>, <BODY>, <HEAD>, <A HREF> etc. 

Types of tags.......

Tags are of two sorts they are as follows:

Paired Tags

 A tag is said to a paired tag if it along with a companion tag or closing tag appears at the end. For example, the tag is paired tag. The tag with its closing tag is used to rendered in Bold Text. In paired tag, first tag is called the opening tag and the second tag is called the closing tag.

Unpaired tags

The second type of tag is the singular tag, which is also known as a stand-alone tag or empty tag. The stand-alone tag does not have companion tag or closing tag.

Creating Web page

We can prepare a web page in any text editor (e.g. notepad, word pad). After typing contents of the web page, we need to save a page with an extension of HTML. The prepared web page now can be viewed using a browser like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, Opera, etc. While typing contents of the webpage, it can be in any case. HTML is not case-sensitive like HTML and HTML are same.

Uses of HTML......

  1. It is used for basic layout creating or designing the Web page.
  2. Without HTML, the World Wide Web will not exist.
  3. It allows embedding text, image, multimedia (audio / video) and links to other documents and the Web pages.
  4. It provides a means to create structured document by using paragraph, character formatting, links and lists.
  5. It can embed scripts such as CSS, JavaScript, which affect the behavior and design of the Web page.

Advantages of using HTML.......

  1. It is highly flexible and user-friendly.
  2. It is an open technology that supports almost all the Web browser and platforms like MS-Windows, Macintosh, UNIS, etc.
  3. It is efficient and reliable. You can create the Web page in order to advertise and promote products and services.
  4. It is easily understandable and does not require long time training.
  5. It provides search engine compatible to the Web sites.

Disadvantages of using HTML......

  1. It is complex to design attractive Web page only using HTML. So, other languages are used for additional programming.
  2. It is difficult to develop a complete Web Site by using only HTML. Web development tools like Dreamweaver, Foundation are used.
  3. It cannot be used to develop a dynamic Web page.
  4. There is no any complete acceptable standard of HTML.
  5. There are many incompatibilities of HTML.

1 comment:


Evolution of HTML.............................................................. The first markup language was the general markup language...